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About Her Voice Foundation
Who We Are.
Her Voice Foundation (HVF), formerly known as Campus Babe Initiative (CBI), is a non-profit organization that provides support to teenage mothers and at-risk girls through Second-Chance Education (SCE), entrepreneurship skills, healthcare, counseling, and other second-chance opportunities curated to help teenage mothers thrive, gain control of their lives, and reach their desired future.
We are tackling the increasing number of out-of-school girls as a result of teenage pregnancy by providing at-risk girls with Sexual and Reproductive Health Education (SRHR) and combating harmful cultural practices that affect girls’ ability to live free from all forms of Gender-Based Violence and lead their best lives.
- Our Mission
- Our Vision
To empower teenage mothers and at-risk girls by providing access to education, healthcare, livelihood support, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) education, and other second-chance opportunities through partnership with organisations, activists, social movements, communities, and supporters.
We envision a world where every teenage mother and at-risk girl is given a second chance to thrive, gain control of her life, and reach their desired future.
- Second-Chance Education and Opportunities
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Education
- Community Mobilization and Advocacy
- Research and Advocacy for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
- Mentorship for Girls on Campus